Travel & accommodation

It’s easy to get to Nordenskiöldsloppet!

By flight from Stockholm to Luleå/Gällivare or by train from Stockholm to Boden/Gällivare.

Distances for car travel

Luleå-Jokkmokk 175 km
Boden-Jokkmokk 135 km
Gällivare-Jokkmokk 101 km

Shuttle busses

On race weekend there are shuttle busses operated by an external partner available between Luleå Airport to Jokkmokk and back.

From Luleå Airport to Jokkmokk with stops at the Arctic Camp and Hotell Jokkmokk:
Thursday, March 21, 19.30
Friday, March 22, 14.00

From Jokkmokk to Luleå Airport with stops at Hotell Jokkmokk and the Arctic Camp:
Sunday, March 24, 10.00
Monday, March 25, 06.30

Price is 495 SEK for one way. You can either add shuttle bus tickets when you register or buy later. Last day for booking is Wednesday, March 6.
Times are preliminery and can be adjusted after arrival and depature times of Luleå Airport or delays in flight traffic.


In and around Jokkmokk there are different types and price ranges of accommodation, from hotels and hostels to glamping or treehouses. To get an overview, we recommend to visit Destination Jokkmokk where you also can get more inspiration and ideas for your upcoming stay.

The earlier you book accommodation the better the chance that you will get what you are looking for. However, Jokkmokk is used to hosting many guests at the same time so there are always more opportunities. There are plenty of options available still! We are happy to assist with arranging private housing for your specific needs. If you need help with that please feel free to mail us:

Already booked? Then all you have to do is to register for the race if you haven't yet done so...and we also do strongly recommend to do some training before arrival. Welcome to Jokkmokk!